Monday, October 4, 2010

Week #5 Reflection - Sarah Sumsion

Key Assignment- Vidcast
Vidcast Title: “Why Revolution?”
by Sarah Sumsion and Sara Gustafson
EDEL 3250-02

Our vidcast introduces the following standard and objective:
Standard 2 (5th grade): Students will understand the chronology and significance of key events leading to self-government.

Objective 1: Describe how the movement toward revolution culminated in a Declaration of Independence.

The topic of revolution is important for students to understand as they study and learn about the US Government. This introduction to revolution vidcast helps students appreciate the emotions and feelings behind why a group of people in any part of the world revolt. Students will also see scenes from different revolutions, strikes and protests, sensing the desperation and anger in the people’s faces. The end of the video shares the images and emotions of a people enjoying freedom and liberty.

Our vidcast meets the NETS standards in several ways.  Specifically, standard 1/indicator 3, as it facilitates inspired student learning by engaging students in real world issues.  Revolution is occurring all around us, and many are because of the same reasons colonists fought for their freedom in the American Revolution.  Additionally it follows the standard 3/indicator c which states: Models digital age learning and work by communicating relevant ideas to students using a variety of media tools.

This vidcast specifically meets INTASC Standard 2C (Planning curriculum and designing instruction to enhance student learning: Design and articulate instruction aligned with Utah Core curriculum standards.) Our vidcast follows the Utah core curriculum standard 2 objective 1 (as discussed above). By designing curriculum using the vidcast we are able to establish some building blocks for further instruction regarding revolution. Our vidcast also covers INTASC Standard 1E (Creating and maintaining a positive classroom environment that promotes student learning: Use instructional time effectively to enhance student learning.) We could have easily just lectured to the students about why people revolt and told them how people may feel, but pictures are worth a thousand words. Introducing revolution using a vidcast will better evoke emotion and feelings about the topic.

A potential drawback to using this vidcast series is that it may frighten potential students who have lived in a country that went through a revolution. Some images and/or feelings may hit too close to home. However, we were very selective and careful about the images we used that they wouldn’t be too graphic or violent.

The intro to revolution vidcast will prepare students for a following activity of graphing connected thoughts, similarities, and differences related to the concept of revolution.  This activity will help students feel connected and engaged with the upcoming Unit of government and the American Revolution.  History will become relevant and important to students who have had the opportunity to think about the topic in a way that is personal and current.

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